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Updated: Mar 18, 2019

Guest Post by Joy Studies

Hello everyone! I am Joy, known as @joysstudiess on Instagram! This is my first article for Tutor Science and I have to admit that it is an honour for me to write for them! I hope you like it!

As you can see from the title, today I am going to share with you a variety of tips and advice on how to revise Physics effectively. We all know that revising can be hard sometimes, especially for subjects like Physics, which a large percentage of students find hard to understand. I hope that this collection of tips I have created for you will contribute to making revising a lot easier! So, without further ado, let’s start!

First of all, a useful step to take is to create a summary of each unit you study. For example, create a list of the formulas mentioned and another list including the definitions. In that way, you will set the foundation leading to an effective revision. I mostly use my PILOT Juice Pens and a KOKUYO Campus Notebook to write these summaries.

Pilot Juice Pens
Pilot Juice Pens

Another helpful step is to search for studying guides online. I have discovered a large amount of free studying guides and manuals not only for Physics, but for all interesting yet difficult subjects we are studying at school. Libraries are a good solution too! As the quote says, "A library is a hospital for the mind". The point is to exploit every source of information you have, in order to gather knowledge written in an easier form which you can easily understand.

Have you ever thought of adding tapestry in your room? Now you can create your own using ... your Physics notes! If you think this is insane or out of this world, I have to admit that I have done this and I continue applying it every time that I have to revise for a subject. The results are more than positive! By placing your notes somewhere that visible, you have access to them all the time and that leads to reading them way more often, retaining information and improving your memory. Furthermore, it will provide you with the motivation needed to create more beautiful, neat and organised notes!

Use a separate notebook to rewrite everything you write in class. This will help you study the solved exercises further and deeper. In that way, you will understand the process behind each methodology in no time! You can keep this notebook in your school bag and read it again every time you have a couple of minutes to invest in a quick revision session. Use the ZEBRA Sarasa Clip Pens and an unruled notebook for the best result! (Extra tip: Reading things frequently is much more effective, especially if you read them out loud!)

I have to admit that pocket flashcards have helped me a lot during this journey through school. In my opinion, they are more than effective, because you can read them and practice on the go, e.g. while you are on the bus, going back home, waiting for your friends to arrive at school etc. Do not let these valuable little sections of time go wasted. Do whatever you can to create small study sessions during your day.

Being familiar with your studying material helps a lot when it comes to understanding and remembering! I personally create my own flashcards for the formulas and use the BIC Intensity pen in blue to write! (Extra tip: Writing in blue pen helps you remember more than writing in black pen!)

Do you want to test out your knowledge and examine if you have understood everything? What about creating a study group? Gather your friends and try to teach them the material you studied! Because, as Albert Einstein quoted, "If you can't explain it, you don't understand it well enough". Moreover, teaching what you want to learn leads to increased memorisation!

That is a wrap! I hope you liked my article! I tried to share with you the tips and advice I consider as the most important, effective and useful. I believe that with these simple yet effective steps you will be able to achieve a higher performance and upgrade your Physics skills in no time!

Love always,




With several notebooks full of important notes, revising can be a real chore. What about those precious minutes you spend waiting outside a test hall before the test? You'll be turning crazy amount of pages to get to that one diagram that you need to take a last look at.

With the ease of paper note scanning apps, things have changed. Of the many such apps available, we'll review Notebloc today. It available both on iOS and Android, so that a yay! Its very easy to set up and start using, as we tried it ourselves. It's got a simple overview menu and the user interface is friendly as well. No bizarre or unnecessary features to throw you off your productivity track. Scanning your notes is not a hassle as it easily detects the corners of a page.

It offers a certain sophistication to organising you notes on your phone/tablet that you wouldn't get by just taking photos of your notes. You can organise your notes into specific folders, so that you don't end up with a bunch of scrambled notes in your device gallery.

Notebloc does auto-correct how your notes look at the end. The end result of the notes definitely looked more crisper compared to an ordinary snap of the notes.

So, give it a try yourself. With the new school year having just started and notes pouring in from all sides, its a perfect time to add this to your note management strategy.


Available on Android |iOS

Updated: Dec 16, 2018

Back to school blues

After a great summer, most students have returned back to their world of routines. With the new school year comes new challenges and we totally understand why students don't want the summer break to end.

However, a little motivation and new study merchandise should get you through the initial blues of the back to school season. After that, you will start sailing through the new year before you know it. So here are few suggestions Tutor Science has to get you through the first few weeks of the new school year.....

wake up school

1) Don't fret about getting back to your sleep schedule

We know that you had plenty of late nights and fell out of your 'early-to-bed' schedule during the summer break. If you didn't, keep it up champ. But if you did, don't stress about going to sleep early. As the days go, your body will set its clock right mostly by itself. You get more worked up during the day when in school and your body will get adjusted to the schedule. The more tired you start getting during the day, you'll notice that you would want to hit the bed earlier.

school supplies

2) Get your tools ready

A carpenter can't do much without his toolkit, so can't a student without his/her stationery set. The new school year is a perfect excuse to indulge in some new goodies. Retail therapy can be a good answer to you back-to-school blues and this time, its justified.

We highly recommend investing in a planner. If you are looking for a no-fuss and minimalist one, we suggest the A5 Planner by Lemone. Fancy a fancy one? Make your days truly golden with the Life Organiser by Rachel Ellen. Even the Life Book Diary by Boxclever Press gets our love. For the lazy ones out there, the 10-Minute Planner is the final choice. It's got all the hard work is pre-done for you and plenty motivational statements thrown in there to keep you on track.

Notebooks wise, the Studygram community considers the Whitelines notebook as a holy grail. For a budget friendly option, we suggest the Oxford Campus notebooks as they've got superior paper quality and they can be used with Scribzee. And ofcourse, you need something to scribble with in the notebooks. We recommend these Fineliner Pens by Tomaxis to get you started. For highlighters, the ones by Stabilo Boss are very reliable.

school to do

3) Take note of the important dates

Most teachers will inform you about the future test dates during the first weeks of school. So, make good use of the planner by noting down all the test dates, assignment deadlines and event days. Definitely don't forget to mark the holiday dates to help you look forward to something fun.

After you've got all the dates noted down, the planner will keep you reminded of the deadlines and save you from being a deer caught in headlights when there is one day left for the big test.

new school hobby

4)Create a new ritual

Humans are a creature of habit. For most of us, we feel the best when everything is certainty bound. The first few weeks of the new school year are the perfect time to start a new ritual around your study schedule. We wholeheartedly encourage you to discover new things you might like such as a new sport or a new hobby but we also encourage you to re-discover things you already like and ensure you get enough time to enjoy them.

Sit down one evening and think about what you want a regular school weekday to look like. Make the most of the out of school hours by planning activities ahead. Then, think about what you want the weekend to look like. Perhaps you could plan a regular activity with your family. How about 'having crepes with your sibling every Saturday evening'? No matter which activities you choose, don't force yourself to like them because you will give up on your ritual soon if you are not enjoying it.

new friends

5)Lastly, try making new friends

We know, easier said than done. But new friends don't appear out of thin air. Strike a small talk with some new people and you never know, you might end up talking about so many things that have nothing to do with the weather. Unlike Maths, there is no one formula than you can use to get a friend but we definitely suggest being more open to new conversations and new activities. If you are taking a new hobby class, we are sure you can make at least one new friend there.

That's a wrap, here. We love it when we get feedback from our students. So, do drop us an email at if you have found any of the above suggestions helping you out.



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